- Apple to get their 'stuff' together to make iPads / iPods more compatible with school environments - we want to be able to volume license apps for classroom sets, we want iTunes to work better in an enterprise environment, we want true educational discounts, etc.
- more bandwidth - enough said!
- more new Google features - seems like there are always new things making life better for Google users in schools (my last discovery was Google CloudPrint).
- a stable Student Information System with clean data.
- lower prices for assistive technology - I know that it is a somewhat limited market, but come on, these are the students who need it the most!
- teachers to understand that mindless Internet games are a not a good use of divisional resources.
- devices for all students - for every student to have a personal device under their tree this Christmas and to be able to bring it to school.
- fewer computer labs in the schools - more use of wireless computers / devices when needed, in the classrooms.
- full time help desk - we can always use more help!
- video conferencing capabilities in all schools.
- quality Internet access at home for all students, allowing them to leverage the tools that they are using at school.
- more tech innovators who 'get it', when it comes to education.

What would you add to this list?